Saturday 25 October 2008

The Begining

Sunday 12th October 2008, the date I first began to realise that something was disturbingly 'different'. Sam and I were playing the game of sourcing birthday presents, for our youngest, Jordan. We were in the Big W at Manchester Fort when I noticed a strange tingling along my moustache line. It had the familiar fizz of that when the dentist's local anaesthetic begins to wear off, but was accompanied by a dizzy head feeling.
I detest admitting to having any sort of imperfections in my health but this was unusual. I sought Sam in the kitchen crockery section and reported my finding. The feeling lingered throughout the rest if the day but was joined by the headache that had frustrated me for the preceeding 48 hours. This headache turned out to be significant.

Posted with LifeCast

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